Perspectives vol. 01: Unlocking Indonesia’s Startup Potential in 2024

Anthony Tjajadi, our Partner, sat down with Jeremy Au on the latest episode of the BRAVE Southeast Asia Tech Podcast, delving into the vibrant venture space in SEA, with more specifics in Indonesia. The conversation was filled with valuable insights, highlighting key learnings for founders and investors, and painting a vivid picture of the opportunities and challenges in this evolving market


Anthony Tjajadi, our Partner, sat down with Jeremy Au on the latest episode of the BRAVE Southeast Asia Tech Podcast, delving into the vibrant venture space in SEA, with more specifics in Indonesia. The conversation was filled with valuable insights, highlighting key learnings for founders and investors, and painting a vivid picture of the opportunities and challenges in this evolving market:

📊 Beyond the Macro Hype: While Indonesia boasts a sizeable middle class with immense potential, it’s crucial to look beyond the headline numbers. Limited purchasing power due to political uncertainty and underdeveloped distribution networks in smaller cities paint a more nuanced picture.

🇮🇩 Election Jitters: The upcoming election creates a risk-averse environment for businesses, especially larger corporations. Expect a slowdown in big-ticket decisions until the political dust settles. This presents an opportunity for smaller, agile startups to fill the gap.

👨‍💻 Tech-Enabled, Not Pure Tech: Purely tech-focused ventures may struggle, while tech-enabled traditional businesses leveraging existing distribution channels and catering to immediate needs stand a better chance of success.

💵 Capital Efficiency is Key: With limited consumer spending and potential investor hesitation, startups must prioritize healthy unit economics and capital efficiency. Demonstrating a clear path to profitability will be crucial for attracting funding.

Navigating the Indonesian market in 2024 requires a deep understanding of the political landscape, coupled with a focus on practical solutions and sustainable business models.